All photography provided by Charlene Lambert

Since 2014, we have provided our community with an exceptional dog daycare. Every dog in our care is an extension of our family. We are an outdoorsy, adventurous, friendly, no-frills dog oasis!

The business, which offers daytime care in addition to “home-style boarding,” aims at providing dogs with a positive, healthy place to play while their owners are occupied...
”To have dogs playing and interacting off leash, socializing and getting exercise, is probably the most beneficial thing you can do for them,” Charlene (Owner) said recently amidst a horde of barking, happy dogs.
— Eddie Damon, Berkshire Eagle


I would like to thank everyone who has been a part of The Canine Club over the years. Your support has truly helped this business flourish.

For those of you who are looking into bringing your dog here, know that your dog will truly be loved by myself and my staff.

This business started from nothing. I have worked tirelessly to create such a wonderful place for your dog. It is my passion, it is my life.

My vision for my business is constantly fluid, and my pursuit for perfection is unending. Canine behavior is my second language, and my absolute passion.

We aren't just a small business. We are a team of real people, with real passions. It is our honor to provide you and your dog with exceptional care.

Thank you for being a part of this.
